Corona Virus what can we do about it?

The end of 2019 was a surprise for everyone across the world.  Ever since that we have all forgotten about all the other various viruses and illness which affects the human race. What happened is known to all of us, we all got hit by the virus corona.

By now all of us have read and seen many many videos and read many articles about the corona virus. So to keep it short this corona virus is like a ghost which cannot be seen but is very much there and as of now we do not have a vaccine for the same and neither a known cure.

What does the corona virus do to the human body is known to all of us and that is it attacks our respiratory system, the lungs, slowly it reduces its functioning which makes us breathless and humans die. I am not getting into the technicality and neither into the technical jargon, trying to keep it as simple as possible.

So what is the best thing we humans can do is we can increase our immunity levels so that it cannot harm us so easily, if the immunity levels are very high there is a possibility that we can revive back with proper care.

Since it is affecting the respiratory organs of the human body we need to increase the immunity levels or strengthen our respiratory organs. How can we do it, not by weight lifting for sure, but Yoga teaches us the art of breathing which increases the capacity of  our lungs.  This can be done by various Pranayama  techniques. For those who don’t believe in this science what have you got to loose, just breathe in a specific manner for few minutes every day. No medicine has to be taken so why not give it a shot.

If you are interested in learning these breathing exercises which is called Pranayama contact us by filling in the contact us form. We undertake individual online classes for the same.